Thursday, July 28, 2016

6 Most Likely Reasons Your App Got Rejected By Apple App Store

6 Most Likely Reasons Your App Got Rejected by Apple App Store

6 Most Likely Reasons Your App Got Rejected By Apple App Store

App market is on the verge of saturation. With millions of apps vying for users’ attention, it has become increasingly challenging to make a foray into the app store. 

No wonder, Apple has become quite finicky about the apps it chooses to publish. If you recently submitted your app on Apple app store and got rejected, here are 6 most probable reasons for it.

1.You forgot to fix the bugs

One reason why Apple is almost hack-proof is because it has forbidden bugs and crashes. Resultantly, every single app on their app store stands out in its own way be it the content, design or functionality. If you want your app to be in that league, make sure you thoroughly test it on multiple devices before submitting. Choose an online app maker that comes loaded with advanced simulation tools.

2. Your app is yet not complete

Does your app description reads beta anywhere? If it does, Apple is going to reject it. Apple specifies it very clearly that it’ll submit your app for review only when it is complete. So better take care of broken links and don’t leave placeholder content anywhere in the app.

3. Your app is not the real McCoy

You’re searching for a tarot reading app on the app store. Dozens of apps appear in the search results.
Some of them looking outright imitations of the real deal. You too might get tempted to churn a quick
knock-off of some successful app and make something out of it but at the end of the day, it simply isn’t worth it. There’s a thin line between imitation and inspiration and Apple is quite smart telling one from another. So better be original in your approach.

4. Your app description is misleading

With a myopic goal of boosting downloads, many businesses and developers tend to oversell their apps by promising certain features and functionality that it simple hasn’t. Your app description, screenshots and other metadata should be clear and accurate, without gray-zoning the functionalities or else, Apple won’t hesitate to stamp ‘You’re not welcome here’ on your app.

5. Your app doesn’t do anything useful

Until recent times, app stores, both Apple and Google used to be a storehouse of the most pointless apps ever. To give you an example, there’s an app that has nothing but a button that switches off the
app. Worse yet, there’s an app that simulates a beer can and empties itself as the user tilts the phone.
The only reason why users download these apps is because they are intrigued about how useless they really are. If your app doesn’t do anything useful, you can’t really blame Apple for not letting you in.

6. Your app compromises users’ privacy

Say a user downloads a matrimonial app from the app store. After a few days, the user realises that the app is picking up the data from his phone and using it without his permission. Obviously, the user will delete the app then and there. Apple is no different. It doesn’t approve any app that put users’ personal information at stake. Ideally, you should provide a privacy policy within the app.

While submitting the app, keep in mind these 6 most common reasons of rejection and give a thorough reading of Apple’s submission guidelines, to boost your chances of getting approved. Work on the glitches – Iron out the crinkles and you are good to go! Nevertheless, if your app still gets rejected by Apple, don’t lose your heart. You should know that Apple has an expedited review process for such apps, helping developers to address security concerns or fix bugs.

About The Author:
“Kriti Verma is a digital marketing expert and likes to share information on latest technology and trends, online marketing, mobile app development, app building platforms, app marketing, and other related topics. Stay updated, and connect with her.” 

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