Monday, August 29, 2016

Hackers Group Attack On Official Website of Israel Prime Minister and Bank Of Israel

Cyber Attack On Websites

Cyber Attack On Official Website of Israel Prime Minister and Bank Of Israel

Ghost Squad Hackers Group Takes Down Bank of Israel and Prime Minister of Israel official website using DOS attack.

One of the Hackers group member (S1ege) told Softpedia about this Cyber Attack,

“  We are attacking Israel for the ongoing atrocities they are committing on the Palestinian people. They just recently bombed Gaza again. The genocide needs to end. They are expanding an empire into land/ground that they do not own, over a book. There is a perpetual silence in the mainstream media. We hope our attacks will bring more awareness to this subject and bring more protests to this issue.  ”

Yes we have some attacks planned for Israel. We, in [the] past, leaked IDF [Israel Defense Force]’s database. We plan to do similar attacks in the future if there is no word of the ongoing genocide in Israel. The United States mainstream media works as stenographers for the U.S. government and speaks nothing of this its corruption at it’s finest. We will not stand idly by and let it continue. We also plan to attack the Syrian government.  ”

This group was already targeted on CNN and Fox news.

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