Saturday, August 27, 2016

How To Make Your Blog More Professional

How To Make Your Blog More Professional

How To Make Your Blog More Professional

doesn’t matter whether you started your blog as hobby or as a profession, but
at certain point all bloggers want to make their blog look more professional.
To make a good income from your blog you must pay attention to make it look
professional. In this post I am sharing some tips to make your blog look more
1.   One
Fonts are the first factor which creates a visual pleasure for
reading the content. If you use different fonts to decorate your content, it
will not look professional. You can refer to popular blogs; they always stick
to a single font. If you use regular fonts like new roman or Arial it will look
more professional. You must avoid curvy, crazy and unusual fonts.
2.   Clean
You must think twice before selecting themes and colors for
your blog. You can refer to top blogs; they use clean and professional colors.
You must avoid designs in background. Plain background always looks better than
messy design and graphics. You should also use professional colors for fonts
like black or dark grey.
3.   Organize
your blog layout
You should keep your blog organized in a manner. Buttons must
be of same type and should be placed on webpage neatly. You have to remove
additional white spaces on your blog with some HTML coding. If you add images
in your post try to keep them in medium size. Too small or too large image can
spoil your blog’s overall appearance.
4.   About
Create an about page for your blog. Having your contact
information on the blog makes your blog trustworthy. Mention your contact
detail on the about page. You can also add your social media links if you are
active on them. Adding your social media details can make it easy for readers
to follow you and get all the updates about new post on your blog.
5.   Have
your own domain
To be a professional you must have your own domain name. it
looks professional to have a URL with own domain instead of any other blog
hosting website’s URL. If you have a particular name and domain of your own,
readers will remember your domain name for future use easily.
6.   No
Grammar mistakes
It is very bad practice to have grammar mistakes in your
content. When reader starts reading the blog post, he gets engaged with the
content if it is attractive and catchy. If you make grammar mistakes on each
line, he will directly hit close button. Such grammar mistakes can spoil your
blog image. So avoid grammar as well as spelling mistakes. Proofread your
content before posting it.
these easy tips you can turn your blog to a professional blog. You just have to
spend one or two hours to correct the errors if any. To be consistent with
professional blog you have to take care of above tips each time publishing your
blog content. Do your best and you can see the results for sure.

About iGadgetware iGW

A Social Media and Cyber Security Expert. Love to write about latest technology and Gadgets.